Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Snow Days!!
The kids were so excited when they woke up from their naps on Saturday afternoon and it was snowing. I kept checking the forecast predicting to get around 1 to 3 inches...then 2 to 4 inches....then 4 to 6 inches! Like everyone else in Tipton Co we were shocked when we got up on Sunday morning to see 13 inches in our front yard! Here are some pics from the fun. We went sledding 3 times over the weekend. Skipper and I had to drag the kids inside all 3 times! They would have stayed out all day.
As you can see, we played in blizzard conditions on Saturday night. I kept trying to convince the kids to wait until Sunday morning to go out but there was not hope. We bundled up and went out in the blizzard with some friends in the neighborhood - Hudson, Cade, and Logan!
Yes, they all went down on the sled at one time. They did this many times! Under all of the coats and tobagans are Shelby, Hudson, Cade, and Carter. I think Cade had the best seat for this ride!
Shelby's little sister!
I guess that you all did not know that Shelby has a baby sister. Her name is Bella Grace, named after Shelby Grace of course. They got matching pajamas last week which Shelby thinks is the best thing ever. I'm not sure I will ever get her to wear anything else at night. In fact, this picture is taken in the middle of the day and she has them on. (They were supposed to be a Christmas present but have been on backorder since December!) Anyway, Shelby takes Bella around with us everywhere which I think is so sweet. And Shelby is not her mom she is her sister. And guess what I get to be when we are pretending - the grandmother! Kids are so funny!

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Basketball Season
Carter just finished up his first season of basketball and Skipper just finished his first coaching experience. Carter played on the 5 & 6 year old team for First Baptist Church. I have to say that those kids totally suprised me. I mean we had some scores in the 30s and 40s!
John Owen and Carter hanging out. Can you say 'trouble'!?
This is part of the team. There was several out on the last Saturday that we played.
Tennessee General Scout & company
In November we finally broke down and got the kids a puppy. Actually it was more Skipper's and my idea but the kids jumped on board with the decision quickly. We had many discussions at the dinner table debating on a name for our new addition. Some of our options were Java, Tico, Fudge but Scout was the name that seemed to fit and it stuck. His full name is in the title of this post. Skipper did a great job with his registered name. He definitely sounds like a hunting dog raised in Tennessee!
Scout is now almost 5 months and over 40 pounds. The kids love to snuggle with him.
They can do anything with him from wrestling to dodge ball and Scout pretty much just goes with it. In this picture Shelby has him in a headlock trying to get him to pose for a picture. Also, notice that Scout has Skipper's shoe in his mouth. He has been trying to get that shoe since the first night that we had him. Skipper finally gave in today - granted the shoes are like 10 years old and falling apart! Way to go Scout!

Monday, February 2, 2009
Warm January days...
Here are pics from a few very warm days in January that we all enjoyed, including Scout. He was 3 months old on January 6th.
Notice Shelby and Carter riding together. This does not happen very often. Only when Shelby's 4-wheeler battery runs down and we make Carter let her ride with him. As you can tell, she is a bit happier about it than him.
Shelby begged to put on her Cinderella dressup outfit and go outside to play superheros with Skipper and Carter. Notice the silky princess dress, braclet, fluffy white crown, and hand full of dirt. I guess even princesses like to get dirty sometimes.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
large New Year's party...
We rang in the New Year at our house in Brighton. Grammie came for a visit on New Year's Eve to play with the kids and their new toys from Santa. They really enjoyed playing their Light Brights. Yes, Light Brights are back and better than before. I remember playing with the 1980s version which was almost as large as a tube TV. The newer version is more like playing on a flat screen computer. They have still provided hours of entertainment for the kids.

On New Year's Eve night we enjoyed a visit from Mimi, neighborhood fireworks (compliments of the Freeman's), music from DJ Skipper, and dinner and cupcakes. The kids thought we had a large party and they were in bed by 9:30 at the latest. Skipper and I did not stay up to ring in the New Year either. After all, it was still duck season and duck hunters needs their rest!

Sunday, January 25, 2009
The First Of Many...
I have wanted my own blog for a few months now. I have been so inspired by the blogs of friends that I have met in Tipton Co. You guys really know how to capture the moment! I have resisted thinking I don't have time to keep it current. After all, I went through the scrapbooking phase a few years ago and that was a flop. I have decided I am going to give it a try though. I do better with technology anyway - who needs all of that scrapbook paper, cutters, stickers, glue, layouts, etc., etc., etc. for the kids and dog to mess up! I do much better dragging and dropping!

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